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Robin Cunningham, LMT, d.Hom


Robin Cunningham, LMT, d.Hom

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui; Tibetan-Usui
Comments: Owner/Wholistic Practitioner of Wholistic Alternatives. I have been immersed in wholistic medicinal modalities for over 25 years. I provide small, intimate Reiki and subtle body energy training sessions for one or two students. I also provide wholistic massage therapy incorporating Reiki, crystal healing, sound and toning therapy, flower essences, and other vibrational healing modalities. I have been a Reiki Master Teacher since 1997. My focus is to provide a loving environment within which to heal and to grow. namaste'
Located in North America : United States of America : Louisiana : Baton Rouge
Located in North America : United States of America : LOUISIANA : METAIRIE/NEW ORLEANS
Located in North America : United States of America : Louisiana : Lafay
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