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Suchita Desai


Suchita Desai

Phone44 20 8541 5769
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesDr. Mikao Usui / Dr Chujiro Hayashi / Hawayo Takata / Barbara Weber-Ray / Maureen O'Toole / Kate Nani / Paula Horan / Csaba Emodi / Pauline Ann Fisher / Tereska Star / Abbi Ross
I live in Kingston, which is where I practice as a Past Life Healer, Reiki Master / Teacher, and in Soul Retrieval. For many years now, I have been a healer and have found much fulfillment and honour in this work. It has brought about much self-empowerment and personal development in my life, and the life of others. I look forward to continuing on my path of spiritual growth.
Located in Europe (West) : England : London : South West London
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