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Margaret Sanders


Margaret Sanders

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Hayashi, Takata, Ishikuro, Roberstson, Miller, Crane, Peters
I am a MasterTeacher in the traditional Usui method. Reiki is a beautiful gift from the universe. I do healing sessions in the priviacy of my home. I have monthly workshops for Reiki 1 and 2, and I teach Reiki 3, twice a year. I also participate twice a year at Cal State Dominguez Health Clinic, providing the students with the opportunity to experience this beautiful gift. I lecture in the adult school system with info about Reiki. If you have not experienced this wonderous gift, please, if not from me, than from any Reiki practitioner, please treat your self to this incredible gift. Feel free to call or email if you have any questions. Blessings, Margaret Sanders
Located in North America : United States of America : California : Torrance
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