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Diane Hamilton


Diane Hamilton DianeH@Telenium.com

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesDiane Hamilton, Llyn Payne, Peggy Griffin, Klause Jeske, Joy Hoban, Linda & Steve Brady, Glen Dunning, Arthur Robertson, Beth Gray, Takata
I am a single mother of three and have been since my children were three months to two years (I have twins). I would most like to offer healing and strength to those who are in this position since I undersand it so well. I came across Reiki because of the interest I began in yoga about a year and a half ago. I have been a Master Teacher for a year but I have not done hands on Reiki beyond family and pets. Most of what I have done is at a distance. I would like to reach out and help others. I am most comfortable at this time with distant healing. I do not wish payment for this, just your feedback. I hope that through this experience I will gain confidence in direct hands on healing.
Located in North America : United States of America : Pennsylvania : Springfield, Delaware County
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