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Nic Mainferme, OMD, L.Ac


Nic Mainferme, OMD, L.Ac

Phone(626) 449-7614
Hello, I am a licensed acupuncturist, doctor of oriental medicine and homeopath, attuned to the master level of Reiki. I specialize in balancing people with Body Talk, a healing system that effectively addresses many health concerns by synchronizing the various bodymind systems and energies allowing the body to heal itself. I look forward to answering your questions on how I can help you with this effective way to health. I am located at 453 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101. Telephone: 626 449-7614 Please view the BodyTalk website and my practitioner listing at: www.bodytalksystem.com/ Sincerely, Dr. Nic Mainferme
Located in North America : United States of America : California : Pasadena
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