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Cheryl Pema Dhechen Warner


Cheryl Pema Dhechen Warner

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui/Takata and Hong Kong
I am blessed to have trained with Master Teachers of two different Reiki lines - the Usuit/Takata and Hong Kong. I continue to study under the guidance of my heart Teacher of Tibetan Buddhism (Nyingma branch) and other wonderful lamas of Tibetan Buddhism. I have received many empowerments from these high lamas, including Medicine Buddha empowerments. I am the founder of the ANANTA Reiki Transformational Healing Technique(SM) which includes fourteen sacred symbols remembered from past life. There are 3 levels of training offered - I Initiate, II Practitioner and III Master/Teacher. My teachings incorporate the Ananta Reiki THT system as well as Reiki as it was taught to me by my Master/Teachers.
Located in North America : United States of America : California : Vista
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