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Michael Karma-Ra Bissessar


Michael Karma-Ra Bissessar

Phone(+44) 07957 597 665
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Tibetan, Seichem, Seichim, Sekhem, Karuna and the Egyptian Cartouche system, I am also a Reiju practitioner/Teacher
I have been teaching for four years. I currently work with people with drug/alcohol addictions, helping to empower/support them and in many cases helping them to learn new life skills. I teach all the above systems, offer presentations and workshops as well as private treatments. I am interested in consolidating all forms of Reiki currently practiced therefore if you teach a system I have not listed but would like to learn one that I offer, please contact me for a share. I am proud to be a part of a wonderful group of people worldwide dedicated to personal and planetary healing and positive change.
Located in Europe (West) : England : London : South West London
Located in Europe (West) : England : London : South West London
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