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Bronwyn Michaelis


Bronwyn Michaelis

Phone(510) 548-3754
LevelMaster Teacher
Bronwyn Michaelis studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as well as Delhi University, finishing her BA degree from UC Berkeley in Women's Studies. She received her Reiki master attunement in India where she also studied Hindi, meditation, and yoga in the Himalayas. She has since taught Reiki workshops in India, England, and USA. Bronwyn is a certified yoga instructor and currently teaches Hatha yoga at several Bay area studios including The Berkeley Yoga Center and Orinda Yoga. She also teaches yoga to kids at the Berkeley Art Magnet Elementary School. Bronwyn incorporates information from the recently published original Reiki handbook of Dr. Usui into her practice. Bronwyn's understanding of healing is also influenced by her ongoing study of the Rosen Method.
Located in North America : United States of America : California : San Francisco
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