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Janice Carter


Janice Carter eponepal@sprint.ca

LevelMaster Teacher
Reiki- "Unmasking the true Self" Reiki cleans, purifies,and brings to balance all levels of one�s state of Being. Each of us,has the ability to heal ourselves by consciously recognizing, harmonizing and balancing the symptom. But, we are not alone in this world or separate from all others� We are all One� and as such, we all need each another to help in the healing process. Reiki is gentle, loving and healing. Home visits available. Reiki is the template that re-builds the energetic system of the body, the temple that houses the "Energy of the Soul" an energy that emodies all forms of life. It re-connects our spirit to our body, our body to the Earth, and the Earth to the Sky, a never ending cycle called LIFE! "By being your true self you literally let your own light shine and simultaneously energize others to do the same". JC "The purpose of our existence is to begin individually and then share Universally".JC There is within you a Force more powerful than anything you can imagine. A Force powerful enough to overcome Hate, Fear & Ignorance. A Powerful Force of Insight, Wisdom & Love A Force which is freed, nurtured and focused as REIKI. Reiki Classes for all levels will resume in March and April of 2005. Please call 416-716-7683 for more details. All are welcome! Love and Light Janice
Located in North America : Canada : Ontario : Mississauga
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