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Michael S. Van Hecke


Michael S. Van Hecke

LineagesAlliance for I; Tera Mai for II, Laura Ellen Gifford for III/M and Karuna; + more
The APT Course Catalog APT Reiki™ includes training and attunements for what others teach as Reiki I, II, and III as well as the Amplified Reiki Tool™. This symbol is useful for spiritual growth as well as for spiritual healing and serves as a link between the two: we cannot have one without the other. The APT Reiki class is available for $150 and includes a handbook, tee-shirt, and certificate. The Reiki III initiation is not the same as Reiki Mastership. Please contact APT to inquire about teacher training. APT Karuna™ has been designed to empower health practitioners to assist in cleansing, balancing, and healing the emotional body. Practitioners now have affordable access to 14 Amplified Karuna Tools™. With five exclusive APT Karuna tools to assist with awareness, clearing, karma, and kundalini, the APT Karuna class is available for $150 and includes a handbook, tee-shirt, and certificate. APT Lotus Light™ focuses on the clearing of the etheric, as well as the, physical, emotional, and mental bodies by releasing obsolete programming, limited belief structures and adverse patterns. The Lotus Light tools also assist in clearing and opening the chakras in order to increase one’s light quotient and light quantity. Using APT Lotus Light will accelerate spiritual growth and healing as well as allow more of the Higher Self energies to integrate throughout the lower chakras for personal empowerment. The APT Lotus Light class is available for $150 and includes a handbook, tee-shirt, and certificate. The APT Intensive™ puts the power of Angel Love, Healing Love, Unconditional Love + Forgiveness, and Faith in your hands. APT utilizes affirmative prayer, forgiveness technologies and angelic assistance with laying-on-of-hands to produce powerful healing. By increasing awareness of the issues at hand, using the Amplified Treatment™ can also reduce the emotional processing time of clients. The APT Intensive is available for $150 and includes a handbook, tee-shirt, and certificate. With APT for the Workplace™, management and staff participate together in a spiritual team building program. Imagine how powerful it is for an hourly employee to hear a supervisor praying for forgiveness for enabling others to feel undervalued, fearful, taken for granted and unprofessional. Imagine a manager hearing an employee praying for forgiveness for neglecting responsibilities, being less than cooperative, or being unresponsive — and asking for divine assistance in such matters. This program also assists companies with issues of honesty, dependency, harassment, prejudice, exploitation, procrastination, as well as fitness, aging, nutrition, accidents, injuries, the environment, and more. Participants also receive a workbook to continue receiving benefits at home. Contact APT for pricing. APT for the Homeplace™ brings the power of APT for the Workplace to assist families with issues like relationships, connecting with emotions, domestic violence, driving, sensitivities, depression, change, fertility, problems with the law, breathing difficulties, and more. Participants also receive a supplemental workbook to continue their healing and spiritual growth after the program. This class is available for $150 per person, or $250 per couple, or $350 for a family of 4-5 (12 and older). APT Avatar™ includes the Amplified Avatar Tool™ to assist with the challenges of advanced spiritual growth, as well as 29 other attunements, including the Logos Light System,™ a sensory enhancement system, a spiritual protection system, the Amplified Reiki Tool, additional treatments, forgiveness prayers, decrees to start and end your day, a decree for enhancing your healing sessions, baptisms, the Advanced Logos Light System™ with three new tools specifically for spiritual development, and Mahakaruna Reiki,™ with six new symbols that visually recollect the spheres that Dr. Usui saw. The APT Avatar class is available for $350 and includes a handbook, tee-shirt, and certificate. We have also created Amplified Power Tools™ to make visual representations of spiritual concepts and quotations. Now practitioners can experience healing energy while wearing the purple and gold foil Amplified Power Tools tee-shirt. Personalized Amplified Power Tools are also available. Ask your trainer. To schedule a session, or register for a class, or for more information, please call Michael Van Hecke at 704.892.4332 or email mvh@amplifiedprayer.com. Frequently, one person decides to take a class and becomes the sponsor. That means they gather others who are interested, arrange for appropriate space, seating, water, snack, and after class, distribute certificates in exchange for 10% of the group tuition. At the end of the APT fiscal year, half of all profits go to Habitat for Humanity.
Located in North America : United States of America : North Carolina : Charlotte
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