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Joseph Quickle


Joseph Quickle

LevelMaster Teacher
I am a Reiki Master / Teacher interested in meeting clients and students, as well as other practitioners and teachers. I offer treatments, classes, and individual instruction; please e-mail me or call me at (949) 552-3359 to set up something. No one will be turned away. ~~~~~ My approach with students is to focus on their mastery of the energy, to empower them and build a repoertoire of tools they can choose from. Rather than make a dogma of my personal style, I teach the core of Reiki and help students find what works for them. If I were to name my approach, I would call it something along the lines of "Reiki Without Limits," which is the name of the manual I am currently writing. ~~~~~ I have frequent weekend classes as students come to me, usually consisting of no more than 2-3 people. ~~~~ I look forward to getting to know you. In peace, Joe.
Located in North America : United States of America : California : Irvine
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