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Sushila Mertens


Sushila Mertens

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesFirst and Second Degree Reiki attunement and training from Reiki Master Mary McFadyen in 1981 and 1982; Level III/IV Teacher/Mastership from Reiki-Seichim Masters Lynette Butcher and Lynell Beckstrom in 1999; and teacher level training in Komyo Reiki from Hyakuten Inamoto in 2011.
Sushila Mertens practices the “keep it simple” Reiki system of Mikao Usui with the emphasis on spiritual unfoldment. Reiki or life force energy eases tension and stress which supports the optimum environment for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Services include Sessions, Attunements, Trainings and Mentoring.
Located in North America : USA : CALIFORNIA : Northern California
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