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Ranjana Tripathi


Ranjana Tripathi

LevelMaster Teacher
Reiki and My Journey. Each one of us is in search of peace, happiness, health, prosperity, knowledge, harmony and overall a good life. Each and every person strives very hard to achieve this state; but can it really be achieved? Yes It Is achievable..!! All this is possible only by understanding Cosmic Energy and Self Knowledge. Universal Energy or Rei- Ki (Rei-Universal, Ki- Energy) is the life force. Although born with this still we are always deprived of it. We receive this energy when we are in deep sleep and in silence. We use them in daily activities of our life. The energy received in sleep is not sufficient and enough and that’s the reason we feel exhausted, tired, stressed and all kind of illness occurs. The only way to overcome this is to introduce more cosmic energy in our life for a healthy and peaceful life to expand our consciousness. Meditation and Reiki attunements can lead us to that beautiful experience of connection to the source. My journey can be summarized in one line quote of “man proposes and God disposes”- with an extension “and when God proposes you can’t dispose”-- because it is for your higher good..it is something which will let you meet yourself. I have accepted his proposal and enjoying each and every moment of divine intervention, cherishing and relishing the journey and path shown by him. Keeping past my Acquired degrees of Software Engineering, MBA and other credentials, I am busy getting certified in his institution. My experience in corporate of over nine years, high profile job did make me quite adept in many areas of my life but experience in divine journey meeting people, helping and guiding them, letting them meet themselves, limitless bound of happiness in others and smile on their face gives immense satisfaction than the huge perks and salaries. It’s like being nothing still being everything, a journey of faith, patience and miracles. I invite everyone to experience this at least once in your life time, be accept to take risks and challenges. Your higher soul is much wiser and craving for identification, you just have to take a plunge and experience the miracles. Angel Blessings, Ranjana Tripathi. For DivineDecree. Angel Practitioner. Angel card Reader. Reiki Grand Master.
Located in Asia : India : Gujarat : Bhuj-Kutch
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