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Trinicha Hussain


Trinicha Hussain

LineagesMikao Usui
My name is Trinicha Hussain. I am medical intuitive and a Reiki Master. I also have a bachelors degree in Psychology as well. My journey with Medical Intuition started about ten years while working as a medical assistant. I could sometimes pick up on what region of the body the patients were having trouble with. I could also be able to tell where the patient's energy was off at as well. I also got into Reiki due to classes that were offered through my former place of employment on holistic healing. After having a Reiki treatment I felt very relaxed and it help increased my intuitive abilities as well. In bringing impressed with Reiki I decided to become a Reiki Master as well. I basically have been doing intuitive readings and Reiki treatments on family, friends and now I would like to do it on others. I would like to be able to use my gift to show people the root causes of their medical conditions so maybe they can take the steps of healing themselves from their own conditions. I would like to show them that physical illness come traumas and belief patterns we are holding inside.
Located in North America : United States of America : Wisconsin : Milwaukee
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