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Daniel Watkins


Daniel Watkins healinglight.reverand@gmail.com

LevelMaster Teacher
I have been in blessed with becoming a Reiki Grand Master XVIII, and over 100 different disciplines. What I have been blessed with and taught others has changed many lives. More and more therapies are being created that incorporate some form of energy healing, but I bet the majority of us still don�t quite understand what energy healing is or how it works. Everything around us has some form of energy, including our bodies. Each person has areas in their body a store of energy and certain energy patterns. These energy-storing centers of the body are called chakras. Energy patterns are the result of each event that has occurred across a person�s lifetime. Some of these will be good patterns while some will be the result of unhappy or painful experiences. These painful memories may sometimes get stored away deep in the chakras. However, they don�t go away, but are instead forgotten. These bad energy patterns can cause an imbalance in the whole energy field of the individual (also known as the aura). Over our lifetime, we also absorb a number of negative energy forms, such as anger, fear, doubt, and judgment. Healing techniques that release the bad energy in our body help us to move toward happiness and achieve peace within ourselves. Energy work is the general term for describing all the therapy modalities that are based on energy healing. They are all focused on the belief that the human body contains many levels of energy, that when stimulated through various techniques, will promote overall health and well being.
Located in North America : United States of America : Missouri : Sedalia
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