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Shamballa Healing Center


Shamballa Healing Center

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Kundalini, Gold, Tacyon, Seichim
As well as the lineages listed, I am a Master Teacher in Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, Lemurian Indigo Connections, Lemurian Facilitator, Indigo Light Empowerment, Lemurian Starseed Crystals I-IV, New Lemurian Energy, Desire Manifestation, DNA 4 Success, 12 and 24 Strand DNA Activation, Ethereal Crystals, Ethereal Flowers, St Germaine 7th Dimensional Initiation, and Ascended Masters Connection Link. My office is presently at 3215A 97 Street, Edmonton. With much help from the Reiki Guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my Higher Power, I heal and teach all over the world right from here! 780-485-2133 or 780-934-2543 Namaste!
Located in Pacific : Canada : Alberta : Edmonton
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