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vijay kumar bali


vijay kumar bali

LevelMaster Teacher
Lineages Master of Kundalee Reiki ( France ) Kuthumi - Ole Gabrilsen - John Hicks - Martyn Pentecost - Pamela Jordan - Sheryl Carter- Vijay Kumar Bali
a Reiki Master of Mikua Usai, Reiki Karuna reiki, kundalini Reiki, She Zen II Reiki ,Kha shan Shakam I Reiki, I lead a happily-married life in New Delhi, being a post graduate in computer sciences, with 24 year experience& working in the Gurgaon, Civil Hospital (India) I am the General Secretary for my Consistency in N. Delhi and Joint Secretary in a very famous public school. I also work in area child development (charity), Living in India has given me the privilege of studying great spiritual masters and techniques. I have been writing articles / treads in many international sites where I am open to discussions about anything related to Reiki.
Located in South Asia : India : Delhi : Delhi
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