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Merrie Bakker


Merrie Bakker

LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesGlenna Quinn / Sister Eileen Curteis; William Rand; Iris ishikura; Mrs. Takata
Pacific Holistic ~ Healing: Reiki, Reflexology, Dowsing and working with your Chakras. Reiki Treatment, Reiki Sessions and Reiki Training Classes offered since 1999. At website you'll be able to learn all about Reiki history, Reiki articles and read news from the international Reiki community, distant healing and up-coming webinars. I have trained over 300 Reiki Students (over 15 Reiki Masters) And if you are moved to learn Reiki, Reflexology and Dowsing, then I hope you choose a path or class that is thorough. Don't settle for a quickey course.
Located in North America : Canada : B.C. : Burnaby
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