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Master Takoda


Master Takoda info@reikirebels.com

LevelMaster Teacher
I am 50 have travelled around the world widely and now live in a small village situated on the west of Oxford (UK). I have had a keen interest on religions since I was 14, exploring Buddhism and other world beliefs including theosophy and studying astrology, palmistry, tarot, I-Ching, wikkan, crystals, and more. I am happy to talk and share views with individuals of any denomination, as long as they are caring and respectful people. I received all Reiki attunements several years ago and am therefore fully qualified to practice and teach. In addition to my interest in Reiki, I am a Trustee of a charity working on humanitarian development projects, as well as of another Foundation working in the field of specialist education.
Located in Europe (West) : United Kingdom : Oxfordshire : Oxford
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