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Reiki Master R. Venkataramanan


Reiki Master R. Venkataramanan reikivenkat@gmail.com

Phone+91 422 2576777 and= 91 989 4848 871
LineagesModern Reiki
While at US during 2002, I learnt about REIKI but got initiated in India in 2003 I am practising Reiki since then. Now I am REIKI III and initiated as a REIKI MASTER too. I follow Modern Reiki technique developed by Dr T P Viswanathan . I have treated succesfully such patients who were suffering for many years (5 tom 10 )and for those who could not get relief from medicines of various systems. Common cases treated by me are Asthma,,Sleeplessness, Migraine , wheezing, Sinus problem, knee pain, lower back pain etc. I feel it is possible to cure cases of infertility, uterus or breast problems and any such chronic and acute illness. I initiate those willing to become Reiki Therapists,. I do
Located in Asia : India : Tamil Nadu : Coimbatore
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