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Nicole Miller


Nicole Miller nicole.miller08@gmail.com

LevelLevel 3
LineagesUsui- Hayashi-Takata-Ishikura- Robertson-McCumber-Rand- Linpinski
I have over two years experience working as a helping professional administering Reiki and Hypnosis treatments. My Reiki experiences include, intuitive consultations utilizing Advanced Reiki techniques to solve problems and achieve clients goals , extensive treatment preparation and review per client and the utlization of crystals to amplify healing and well being. Possessing strong ethical judgment, I am a current member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP). Membership includes adherence to a code of ethics such as a vow of confidentiality between client and practitioner, utilizing disclaimers describing Reiki as a non substitute for qualified medical or professional care while simultaneously educating the public on its health benefits and utilizing referrals when needed. In combination with Reiki I currently assist clients in reaching their full potential with Hypnosis, utilizing Cognitive Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) communication tools and techniques to alter behavior and accomplishing goals , detail orientated handwriting analysis to create a profile for subconscious traits per client. Hypnosis can be used for career improvement, relationship enhancement, increase memory recall, loose weight, stop smoking and increase relaxation and well being. I am available to do sessions in the Carson/Long Beach/ San Pedro/ Los Angeles County area. I do both in house and long distance treatments.
Located in North America : United States of America : California : LONG BEACH
Located in North America : United States : California : Los Angeles/Torrance
Located in North America : USA : CALIFORNIA : Carson
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