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Denis Belanger


Denis Belanger

Phone819 824-2881
LevelMaster Teacher
LineagesUsui, Hayashi, Takata, Ishikuro,Robertson & Usui, Taketomi,Koyama, Doi, Rick Rivard
have been practicing Reiki for 15 years and teaching since 1994. I study Reiki 1-2-3 with Roger Foisy in Montreal; with William L.Rand Advanced Reiki+ Master(1994). Also I took Reiki Master level with Dr. Arthur Robertson (1994) and I'm a member (#43) of American Reiki Master Association-ARMA- since 1994. In February 2000 I completed my Master Teacher degree with Rick Rivard "Threshold Reiki Usui Reiki Ryoho" and "Gendai Reiki Ho". I enjoy Reiki for its simplicity,its access to everyone that chooses to take it and I also enjoy Reiki's effectiveness. Peace, Joy & Reiki Light
Located in North America : Canada : Quebec : Val-d'Or
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