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How is Reiki used for healing yourself or others

Date: Thu Sep 16 2021 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Using Reiki is very simple, the healer activates their access to Reiki, then either uses their hands to direct Reiki to their client, or uses the remote healing symbol to send Reiki at a distance. But, we must also think about what healing means in this context, since it is distinct from the definition for healing used by modern medicine.

By David Herron

Principles of Healing: Modern medicine versus holistic practices

What does it mean for someone to heal? Modern medicine is focused on the eradication of symptoms, and returning the patient to their typical life. As far as that goes, it's fine, and modern medicine is often successful at those tasks. Reiki is part of the broad spectrum of practices that seeks healing of the whole person. In other words, Reiki is a Holistic practice.

Many suggest there are often deeper causes for illness than the explanation offered by modern medicine. The holistic health mindset looks a more complete healing, taking into account influences like judgements from family members, past life memories, remnants of traumatic incidents, patterns of negative thinking, and so forth.

For example someone might have a broken leg, and it's clear the break occurred because they fell off of a horse. But what if that incident mirrors a similar event in a previous life? Or what if a person has a history of receiving injury on one side of their body, and not the other?

A healing practice which focuses only on physical symptoms misses these other negative influences. The doctor who simply sets the broken leg is not addressing deeper issues. Holistic practitioners believe that addressing deeper causes means a smaller chance of future issues of similar nature.

How is Reiki healing performed?

There are two people involved in typical Reiki sessions: a) the healer, b) the client. The healer is channeling Reiki energy, while the client is receiving that energy. It's possible to set this up in other ways, such as multiple healers on one client, multiple clients receiving from one healer, or multiple healers giving healing to multiple clients. But in this discussion let's stay focused on the simple model, where a healer is treating a client.

There are two modes in which healers give Reiki sessions to their clients:

  • In-person healing is the usual mode, where the reiki practitioner and client are in the same room. The healer might put their hands on different places while channeling Reiki energy, or might hold their hands near those places.
  • Distant healing or remote healing is when the reiki practitioner and client are in separate locations.

Reiki practitioners are taught a set of symbols to use in their Reiki practice. These symbols attune the Reiki practitioner to the Reiki energy, and each symbol serves a different purpose. The Reiki practitioner might draw those symbols with their hands during healing sessions, but that's not required.

At the outset of a Reiki session, the practitioner will "activate" the flow of Reiki energy. To do so they might say (internally) something like Reiki On, or they might draw one of the symbols. At the end of the session they will in turn deactivate the flow of Reiki.

There is a set of hand positions traditionally taught which give good coverage over the recipients entire body. The typical treatment starts at the head, or feet, with the practitioner putting their hands on (or over) each position in turn. It is not necessary to rigidly follow those positions, they are merely taught as a starting position from which the practitioner can learn. If there is a specific area of concern the practitioner can keep his/her hands right there for as long as necessary.

Using Reiki for yourself

It's reported that Mrs. Takata repeatedly told her students Reiki yourself first, then others! In other words, she was urging Reiki practitioners to first address their own woundings in order to be a more open channel to Reiki. Treating yourself also gives you direct experience of how Reiki feels.

Fortunately, performing Reiki for yourself is very simple. In fact, we've already gone over what to do, in that you first activate the flow of Reiki energy. Then, instead of touching your hands to areas on a clients body, you're instead treating areas of your body which need healing.

Be aware of taking two roles at once. The role of healer is giving while the role of client is receiving. For this to work, you must balance both roles at the same time.

How does Reiki remote or distance healings work?

Let's first answer a different question, namely What is Reiki distance healing or remote healing? Simply put, remote Reiki is when a Reiki healing is sent over a long distance. That distance can be the next room, or tens of thousands of miles. The opportunity may arise in a few decades to test whether Reiki can be sent between planets, but until then we can only say with certainty that Reiki healing can be sent anywhere on this planet using the remote healing protocol.

This idea of sending Reiki to someone thousands of miles away may seem impossible to most of us. But it is everyday reality for practitioners of Reiki and most other energy healing practices.

Our mechanistic experience of the world says we can touch things within reach of our arms. To touch something 10,000 miles away requires an airplane trip. But, with Reiki (and other forms of energy healing), we can transmit healing energy at a distance.

How this works is not well studied from a scientific perspective. As we discussed elsewhere, there are many aspects of energy healing (and Reiki) which deserve deeper scientific study. From the perspective of a Reiki practitioner, the perception is of opening what might be called a wormhole between the healer and the client. The wormhole makes it so that the client is next to the healer, and the physical distance does not matter.

Advanced spiritual practitioners will tell you there is no such thing as time or space. The world we see around us is only a small fragment or slice of all which exists. This small fragment is is the three dimensions (width, depth, and height) around us, heat, light, smell and touch. Our human bodies can detect information within those dimensions, and interpret that into signals sent into our brains. This mechanistic view of our presence in the physical world is said by advanced spiritual practitioners to be extremely limited.

Scientists prefer to build machines that objectively detect actions in the world. With microscopes they can zoom in to see ultra-tiny things, and with telescopes they can zoom out to see distant things. But very few scientists have even thought about detecting spiritual or subtle energies.

Reiki distance healing transcends limitations of location. To practice remote healing, the practitioner must be attuned for at least Level 2 of Reiki, because it requires learning a symbol taught at that level.

To start a remote healing session, the practitioner first activates Reiki as normal. They then draw the remote healing symbol, followed by using intentionality to connect with the remote client. Once the connection is made, there is a question over how the Reiki healing session is to be performed. The practitioner must use a method to translate their hand positions into hand positions on the client.

To do that, often the practitioners are taught to use an object, like a teddy bear, as a stand-in for the remote client. When using an object, you identify one end as the head, one end as the feet, and where other parts of the body fit in-between. A teddy bear, or an acupuncture doll, or other similar item, is useful because the shape roughly corresponds to the shape of a human body.

Using an object is not an absolute requirement. The healer might find it possible to simply draw a shape in the air corresponding to their client.

It is important to correctly close the healing session at the end, especially when performing remote healing. By closing the session, you give the healing process back to the client, and ensure that your involvement with their healing process is limited to the time of the healing session. You have your life to live, the client has their life to live, and it is incorrect for the practitioner sacrifice themselves for their clients.

Reiki for non-human recipients

Yes, you can Reiki your car! One trip to Mt. Shasta I swear the only way we made it to the top was sending Reiki through the gearshift and dashboard into the car. Many people use Reiki on their food before eating. And much more.

It can be used on relationships between people. Like with remote healings the healer should come up with a representation of the relationship. For example, they might draw the people involved on a piece of paper. It is similar to creating a virtual reality space, but instead of it being generated by software the space is generated by your intention. You then activate Reiki, activate the remote healing symbol, and treat each portion of the relationship with healing energy.

Recall that physicists are realizing that everything around us is made of energy. Einstein's famous equation says that matter is equivalent to energy at a certain ratio. Recall that Reiki is about channeling energy. Therefore it stands to reason that Reiki can be applied to anything made of energy, i.e. anything in existence. Perhaps. Try it out and see for yourself whether those claims are true.

About the Author(s)

David Herron : David Herron is a Reiki Master, graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, writer, and software engineer focusing on the truth. He is especially interested in spiritual exploration, divine wisdom, clean energy technologies like solar power, wind power, and electric cars. David worked for nearly 30 years in Silicon Valley on software ranging from electronic mail systems, to video streaming, to the Java programming language, and has published several books on Node.js programming and electric vehicles.
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